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Hi, I'm Sophie, and a makeup palette addict.   Yep, you read that right...I 100% have an addiction to palettes. I should stop buying them, but anyone that knows me well enough will know that I won't ever stop.  I've never actually worked out how much my collection of palettes cost, but, for the purpose of this post, I think it's time to work it out...(it's also time to shock my parents with how much I've spent on makeup!) So, roughly, the cost of my palettes alone ranges between £1,300 - £1,400 So, I know right now you're probably thinking "WHAT, HOW HAVE YOU SPENT THAT MUCH MONEY JUST ON MAKEUP PALETTES?!?!?!?!?" and I genuiniely do ask myself the same question every week.  But, as I explain to a lot of people, I spent a long time using cheaper makeup because it's all I could get my hands on, and I also didn't see a point in spending so much money on makeup if I wouldn't use it, or like it. But, a...

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